John Sellens
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OPS102 NEE Labs and How to Submit Them

About OPS102 NEE Labs

There are 10 required lab assignments in OPS102, accounting for 20% of your final course mark. You MUST submit every lab in order to pass this course.

The labs are an important part of learning the course material.

If you miss a lab, or are not sure what to do, please email me at john.sellens@senecapolytechnic.ca to let me know. We will work together to get your lab work back on track.

Doing Labs

Three parts to doing labs:

  1. Review the lab instructions
  2. If it's a linux oriented lab: Login to matrix, start labtrack (see next section), do the lab steps, and exit out of labtrack.
  3. If it's a Windows oriented lab: Use a Windows machine, and do the lab steps.
  4. Login to blackboard, and complete the lab assignment in blackboard - this may simply require you to confirm that you have completed the lab.

Lab Tracking Tool: labtrack

NOTE: This is fairly new - so far it seems to work. If labtrack fails to work - email me to let me know, and just do the lab steps outside labtrack, and submit the lab in Blackboard.

I wrote a very simple minded tool to track the work you do on matrix for your linux oriented lab assignments.

Many/most labs will ask you to do some tasks on matrix. When you are about to do those tasks, run this command first:

[username@mtrx-node00pd ~]$ /home/john.sellens/tools/labtrack
This will run the script(1) command to make a literal record of every keystroke, every command, and all output in a file. Once script is running, do your lab work, and when finished, type the exit command to exit out of script(1), save the file, and automatically submit a copy of your session to your instructor.

IMPORTANT: After you use labtrack to record the completion of your lab, you MUST login to Blackboard at learn.senecapolytechnic.ca and select and submit the lab assignment there - which will often just be to confirm that you've done the work.

labtrack resubmit

If you have concerns that you may have exited early, or your session dropped, or whatever, you can resubmit all your labtrack submissions by running the command
[username@mtrx-node00pd ~]$ /home/john.sellens/tools/resubmit

The Labs

Here are instructions and materials for most of the labs:



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Last modified: 2024-09-30 01:37:48 -- Last formatted: 2024-09-30 01:45:14