How to Debug C Code in Xcode
Feb. 9, 2017 | smlee36 | #seneca, #c, #beginner, #xcode, #debug, #Raphael
This is a ultra simple tutorial for debugging c program in Xcode.
Case Study
Sample Program
Run Xcode and Open your progect. If you don't know how to make a project,
read this post first.
A program instruction is here.
- input number between 1 ~ 10
- If input number is invalid (out of range), print a error message and input again until the number is valid.
- this is a sample code for the instruction.
// An ultra simple debugging example
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int num;
printf("Enter your number (1-10): ");
scanf("%d", &num);
while (num < 1 || 10 < num) {
printf("Input number should be 1 - 10.");
printf("Enter your number again (1-10): ");
printf("Your number is %d.\n", num);
return 0;
- Now run 'Product > Run' (⌘+R), the program. The 'Enter your number (1-10): ' message is displayed on the center-bottom pane. Enter '5' . Then the program will be end normally.
![xcode start image](../media/posts/how_to_debug_c_code_in_xcode/xcode_debug1.png)
- Now run the program again. Enter '20' . The program shows an error message continuously. Stop the program using 'Product > Stop' (⌘+.)
![xcode start image](../media/posts/how_to_debug_c_code_in_xcode/xcode_debug2.png)
Debug the Program
Marking break points
- First of all, select some position. If you don't know where you should choose, select the first line. Press left mouse button at the left-side empty area of center window. You can see a blue break point label.
![xcode start image](../media/posts/how_to_debug_c_code_in_xcode/xcode_debug3.png)
- Now run 'Product > Run' (⌘+R), the program. Enter an invalid number '11' . Then a green current position marker will be displayed. It is a marker to indicate in where C compiler is doing it's job now.
- Press 'F6' then the process marker will proceed line by line.
- When the process marker locate at 'Enter your number again' message, the marker will go back to the beginning of while loop instead of going 'Your number....' line.
![xcode start image](../media/posts/how_to_debug_c_code_in_xcode/xcode_debug4.png)
So, we can realize something is needed after 'Enter your number again..' to stop infinite loop.
Insert this statement into after 'Enter your number again' line.
scanf("%d", &num);
- Now the program works well as we expected.
![xcode start image](../media/posts/how_to_debug_c_code_in_xcode/xcode_debug5.png)