John Sellens
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OPS102 Details

Class Times

Classes are


See labs.html for information on labs and how to submit.

Marking Scheme

Per the official course outline:

To pass you must "achieve a grade of 50% or better on the weighted average of the tests and final assessments", submit all 10 labs, and acheive an overall grade of 50% or better.

Academic Integrity

See my page for some information: Academic Integrity - What is Expected of You

Windows Access

Most of you have a laptop running Windows. Some are running MacOS or even (gasp!) Linux on your computer, and may not have easy access to a Windows machine. Fear not!

See Windows Virtual Commons for how to get access to a Windows machine from your own machine.



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Last modified: 2024-09-03 21:52:44 -- Last formatted: 2024-09-03 23:12:37